
School Opening Day

1st September marks the first day of the Dehong Founding School Year. One thing we cannot possibly go without on the first day of school is the Flag-raising Ceremony. At the ceremony, Jon Fei, the Headmaster and Moira Lowe, the Deputy Head Academics each made a speech to welcome our new students.

Teachers prepared engaging lessons for their students. For instance, the Art teachers offered a creative way of communicating with students by drawing names with designs and ideas to introduce themselves. The PE lessons were inclusive, active and fun with various games and challenges.

“School Opening Day”  - At this week’s assembly, our Academic Deputy Headmaster Moira Lowe hosted an interactive session on the Secret of Successful Learning and Mindset.  The students learnt the importance of identifying the right learning method through various experiments and examples.  

Dehong is a brand new school. We hope every child is inspired here, not only will they acquire knowledge, and skills to prepare them for further study, but create, collaborate, communicate, and think critically.